See the Benefits of Fleet Maintenance Heading Into the Holidays

The holidays are fast approaching, which means being as prepared as possible. That rule applies to not only individuals but companies as well. If your company has a fleet of vehicles, proper maintenance is of the utmost importance for being prepared for the holidays. To become as efficient as possible during one of the busiest […]
The Most Common Causes of Semi Breakdowns and How to Avoid Them

Every year, thousands of truckers are stranded on America’s roadways when their rigs break down. While there is no way to completely avoid that possibility, many of these incidents are due to a lack of maintenance, preparation, or both. The good news is that in many instances, it’s possible to identify potential problems before they […]
Understanding the Dangers of Overweight Trucks

The Department of Transportation in the United States wants to help to reduce the number of safety hazards on the roadways. In 2005, they introduced DOT inspections on commercial motor vehicles, which ensures that all the parts and components on the vehicle are in good cond Semi-trucks and trailers keep America moving. To do that, […]
The Importance of Preventative Maintenance for Semis

Your fleet is what keeps you in business. Naturally, you should ensure all the trucks are in tiptop shape. The best way to do this is to ensure that all the vehicles undergo preventative maintenance regularly. Properly maintaining your semi-trucks can provide you with benefits, including some surprising ones. Let’s look at why it is […]
DOT Inspections: What You Should Know

The Department of Transportation in the United States wants to help to reduce the number of safety hazards on the roadways. In 2005, they introduced DOT inspections on commercial motor vehicles, which ensures that all the parts and components on the vehicle are in good condition. What Are DOT Inspections? There are six levels of […]
Benefits of Mobile Maintenance for Trucking Companies

How are you currently maintaining your fleet of trucks? Do you try to handle the maintenance through the staff you hire? Do you try to send the trucks out for maintenance every few months? Different companies will try to come up with different solutions, but they may not all be as good as simply using […]
Holiday Travel Checklist for Semi-Truck Drivers

Anybody that drives for a living during the winter knows the importance of being prepared for potentially hazardous road conditions. Especially surrounding the holidays. Even the most seemingly simple jobs must keep their maintenance priorities high and prepare efficiently during the holiday season. This time of year can be incredibly stressful for a semi-truck driver, […]
Common Winter Semi-Truck Issues and Ways to Prevent Them

Perhaps one of the most dreaded seasons for semi-truck drivers is at our doorstep. In some places, you can already hear the ice scrapers on the windshields during the early morning hours. Huge plumes of exhaust smoke overtake residential driveways as cars are started, so they can be warm before it’s time to leave for […]
Computer Diagnostics: Past and Present

Diagnostic work is a term used to describe the method in which a mechanic inspects a malfunctioning vehicle to pinpoint where the problem lies. Performing diagnostic work takes a skilled mechanic that is knowledgeable in every area of a vehicle. For fleet services, proper diagnostic work is especially important. When companies contract the services of […]
Roadside Assistance: Roadside Solutions and When to Tow

If you’ve ever been in a roadside emergency, you understand the stress involved, especially if you’re in a company fleet vehicle. You’re stranded on the side of the road, not sure how to fix the vehicle, and most likely, you’re on a tight schedule. Feelings of anxiety build while you sit there, nervous from a […]